Sunday, October 10, 2010

Introduction to EUMW

This Area is being developed simpy for tracking and catching SCAMMERS before they become added to our society and cause us grief and finacial heaertache. Please send all names to be added to me in game or in xfire or email. We need First middle and last names, most scammers act like they are new to the game so will have all three of thier names showing in public chat.

EUMW: Entropia Universes MOST WANTED

As documented by the Elite of the SVHG~

Saturday, September 13, 2008


Keep a lookout for these hooligans, and I believe as do several others in command that they are one in the same not Brother and Sister.


Both desguised as noobs, but once checked did not have the ability to be mentored, thus alerting us that they may not be trusted, naive as they were claiming they wanted MENTOR and a good society.

The team was running a group to Atlas Haven and we ran into them around Nus Lull area, when he asked if we would run him and his sister as well. He denied TEAMING several times and finally we were going to leave him when he explained we needed to grab his sister.

We had her meet us at Billys, and we continued in route to Atlas via Pheonix (East) the Lim to the north - on the way we were hit by Atrox Old and Armax Bull. Somehow it killed BONG and one of our Colonels went to guide him back.

On the way he had shown me what he was carrying, over 80 ped in items, alot of drops for a new player... On their return from Pheonix (where they respawned) a feffoid attacked, they dropped him and Globaled 80+ PED. BONG accused us of being scammers for wanting him to split the item with the colonel and ran with the item + markup. We suspect the two characters are one in the same... HUNTER SCAMMERS. Beware and do not allow stranger in HUNT TEAMS any more, orders per General of the SVHG CORP Dark Lotus...